Business model is proposed whereby the gTLDs are divided into two groups (a) free market whereby enough competition exists to serve a particular market segment and (b) monopolistic. Prices will be non regulated for the free market and regulated for the monopolistic market. The long term trend and goal for ICANN should be reducing the gTLD monopolies. Even .com which is an inherited monopoly could become unregulated when enough competitive Registries are operational with proven market shares in the business gTLDs. ...more
More flexibility in the gTLD string submission and contention resolution will provide for greater variety of strings and operators, which is consistent with the objective of the new gTLD initiative. ...more
Russian tycoon is telling a story, which could be applicable the U.S. bank crisis....more
Teaches you to look below the surface when hiring small law firm. ...more
Unfortunately things happen on the Internet, beyond Aplus.Net’s control, which may affect the performance of your web hosting and/or e-mail. Here are the most common problems. ...more