Richard Stasior

Richard Stasior
Owner of RICOM

Richard Stasior is a technology industry veteran and owner of RICOM, a technology reseller, integrator and managed services provider based in Irvine, California. For more information about this topic, please visit http://www.shopricom.com

Posts by Richard Stasior

Business Benefits of Cloud Computing and the Dynamic Data Center
by Richard Stasior - 2010-04-06 03:07:03 in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing incorporates virtualization, data and application on-demand deployment, online delivery of services and open source software to provide significant business benefits. Through virtualization, cloud computing allows a dynamic data center where servers provide resources that are utilized based on demand. As demand changes, resources ramp up or down dynamically in order to meet the growing or shrinking workload. Cloud applications may replace common IT services, such as file serving, messaging, CRM, storage and more.
