Charles Dearing

Charles Dearing

Charles Dearing is a veteran tech and marketing journalist with over 15 years of experience using words to move people to act. He has written for various publications such as ProBlogger, Big Think, Apps World, to name a few. You may connect with him on Twitter.

Posts by Charles Dearing

PHP Developers: 4 Questions To Ask
by Charles Dearing - 2018-05-31 06:37:59 in General Information

In recent years, as the online industry has grown, PHP developers are becoming more important and sought after. It is important to know just what you are looking for in a developer and what a PHP programmer can do for your business.


Why You Should Consider Learning Python
by Charles Dearing - 2018-01-02 03:02:11 in General Information

Python is quickly becoming the most popular programming languages for new and expert programmers alike. It’s little wonder that the language named after the infamous British comedy troupe Monty Python should become so beloved by the developer community. It’s optimized for programmer productivity, code readability, and software performance. Video games, AI systems, and web apps can all be programmed in the versatile, multi-paradigm language.


C Programming Reserved Keywords And Their Features
by Charles Dearing - 2017-10-13 01:25:21 in General Information

In C programming, there are certain words that are used as variables or functions. These are known as reserved keywords and, just as the name implies, are just used for reserve. Each keyword has its own specific function.
