
DevStart Announces "Best of 2006" Awards, Geared for Web Enthusiasts and Small Businesses
DevStart Inc., a company dedicated to providing quality online services and resources for small businesses, announced today its "Best of the Year" awards, recognizing excellence in fields relevant to doing business on the Internet. The awards feature 18 categories, published across five different sites of the DevStart network. Each award category lists companies and projects who distinguished themselves during the past year, and in the same laid the foundations for continued quality service and innovation in 2007. DevStart’s “Best of the Year” awards were introduced in 2005 and were initially an annual version of HostReview’s industry leading monthly web host awards.
For the first time this year, the range of the awards has been expanded to cover a wider range of projects and services. In addition to HostReview’s established industry listing, now the DevStart network is a host to new award listings, dedicated to website promotion, new web development technologies, and software products.
Apart from its traditional monthly and annual awards, HostReview.com expands its recognition of the best web hosting firms with three new categories reflecting the fast growing and widely diversified hosting market. The new award categories honor companies, which offer prime VPS, Windows and co-location web hosting services. PromotionWorld.com’s awards recognize the best web promotion companies providing search engine optimization, Pay-Per-Click Advertising, Organic SEO and Link Popularity solutions. DomainInformer.com lists the top companies in the domain name registration industry. Web developer directories JavaScriptSearch.com and WebKnowHow.net present the best software and web development achievements.
“We are excited by this opportunity to recognize the innovations and leadership of organizations across so many industries,” said Darren Tabor, CEO of DevStart. “It is our pleasure to highlight the very best of the best in Web Hosting, Search Engine Optimization, Open Source Development, and so many other areas of interest to webmasters and small business owners.”
The following categories are included in this year’s awards. Next to each category is listed the respective first place winner:
* Best Web Hosting Company – BlueHost
* Fastest Growing Company – Liquid Web
* Best Dedicated Server – The Planet-EV1 Servers
* Best Budget Hosting – BlueHost
* Best Managed Hosting – DataPipe
* Best VPS Hosting – Spry
* Best Windows Hosting – Easy CGI
* Best Co-Location Hosting – Hosted Solutions
* Best SEO Company – Medium Blue
* Best PPC Management – Fathom SEO
* Best Organic SEO – SEO Image
* Best Link Popularity – Customer Magnetism
* Best Domain Name Registrar – Register.com
* Best JavaScript Library – Yahoo! User Interface Library
* Best Ajax Website – Netvibes
* Best Content Management System – Drupal
* Best Open Source Project – Firefox
* Best Web Development Resources Website – A List Apart
About DevStart, Inc.
DevStart, Inc. (http://www.devstart.com) is a leading online provider of unique content and powerful tools for the web hosting, website promotion, and domain name registration industries. Attracting a monthly audience of nearly one million unique visitors, with decision makers at its core, our strong portfolio of media properties offer a uniquely collaborative environment for readers, writers, and advertisers. Since 1998, the DevStart Network has been a popular and trusted source of information and resources for webmasters. Our major properties include HostReview, PromotionWorld, DomainInformer, and a variety of other websites that cater to webmasters and online business owners. Our experienced staff, unique editorial features, and powerful free tools make the DevStart Network the Webmaster’s Homepage.

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