Find The Best Dedicated Server with HostReview
If you are starting a web site, or you have a web site that is increasing its traffic, you might be considering whether or not you need a dedicated server. A dedicated server is different from a standard, entry-level type web hosting arrangement, called a “shared server.” In a shared server, your web site shares its server space and network connection with other web sites. This is fine for smaller web sites, and it may be fine for you as well. But if you are concerned with reliability, as you are looking to run a site that will be handling thousands of visitors and possibly processing payments and running an online store, you may wish to consider a dedicated server. This means that your site has its own server and its own network connection. Particularly if you are running custom software for an online store, you may need to use a dedicated server, as it will allow for deeper access into the operating system.
Regardless of which solution you choose, you need to find web hosts which are reliable and helpful so that your web site will run professionally and be accessible to customers or clients. This is why the resources at HostReview are so useful. Today, there are hundreds of hosting companies available, from cheap website hosting to the best domain hosting money can buy.
How do you choose? HostReview helps you answer that question by reviewing large, medium, and small boutique hosting companies, and detailing them in one spot for you. They issue awards to the best ones and their Featured Blogs section is a valuable source of information on how different types of web hosting work and how you can figure out which one you need. If you have a question that is more specific to your problems, you can jump into the forums and ask a question of the HostReview community, which is full of experts who can help you make a smart and informed decision.
For more information on whether or not you need a dedicated server, and to help you make the best decision for your business, contact today.
Learning About A Dedicated Server At HostReview Will Tell You If It's Right For Your Needs
[Posted on July 11]
Investing in a dedicated server is something that many companies due in order to ensure that their website is as secure as possible at all times. When a site is hosted on a dedicated server, all of the server's resources are used for just that single site which means that during high periods of traffic, particularly when they are unexpected, the site is more likely to stay operational rather than crash as can happen when using other types of servers. Websites being hosted on a shared server will work fine when the volume of traffic is low but when it increases, even for a short period of time, these sites and the others shared on the server, will crash.
When this happens, visitors to the site, usually potential customers, see that it isn't functional and write off the product or services. It's nearly impossible to get those visitors back after a poor first impression like that. This is what motivates companies to opt for a dedicated server as opposed to a shared server. However, anyone that has looked into a dedicated server knows that they can be expensive and some companies don't have the budget for it.
Fortunately, there have been alternatives to a dedicated server developed in recent years that offer many of the same benefits and stability but aren't nearly as costly. Examples of these alternatives include VPS web hosting and cloud hosting. If these sound like foreign terms to you, that's understandable but if you're interested in more affordable web hosting that also provides stability for your site, then you'll want to learn about these options. The best way to inform yourself about the different types of servers that are available is by visiting HostReview, a site dedicated to providing the latest news and updates on services and changes in the web hosting community.
Visitors to HostReview return on a regular basis so that they can stay current on the latest happenings regarding web hosting technology and services. This is important for anyone who wants to make sure they're still making the right investment in their web hosting. What might have been the best option for a company a few years ago may no longer offer them the best overall value. If you're unsure if you can afford a dedicated server and would like to know of other options, then take some time to learn about those options at HostReview.