Compromised Power Grid Demonstrates That We Need Security Standards
Do we really want to build this smart grid…for it only to be used against us? We've got to be sure those smart meters are protected. I spoke these words two weeks before Siobhan Gorman of the Wall Street Journal broke the news that cyberspies, most likely from China and Russia, had penetrated the cybergrid that controls the US electrical supply, and and had left behind potentially disruptive software. I wasn't a bit surprised. The CIA has already admitted that cities have been taken down by criminal activities, by attacks. American users of electricity are lucrative targets. I have been urging the US not to build all our houses and homes into this thing and make it all vulnerable. The U.S. airlines were just as vulnerable on September 10, 2001 as they were on September 11, but they weren't aware of it. We're living in pre-9/11 days in the Internet. We're vulnerable to attack but we just don't see it. We must start creating those standards. People are looking at enablement, not figuring out vulnerabilities that enablement brings. But there has to be a standard for putting things online, especially when it concerns our national security.
Melih Abdulhayoglu created Comodo in 1998 with a bold vision of making the Trusted Internet a reality for all. His innovations have challenged some of the largest corporations and deeply entrenched business models to make the vision a reality, and his success has benefited the ecommerce industry, online businesses and users alike. Melih's pioneering business model has allowed him to provide the Comodo Firewall absolutely free, while continuing to grow revenue by over 30 percent, year over year. This innovative business model earned him Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2008 Award in the Information Technology Software Category for New Jersey.
Melih earned a BS in Electronic Engineering from Bradford University in 1991. During his tenure at Bradford, Melih was instrumental in creating new digital security technologies for large enterprises, computer manufacturers and governmental organizations worldwide. Using that experience and training, Melih established Comodo's core business building principle around the concept of Value Innovation - delivering solutions recognized for their technological innovation that has high value in the marketplace.
This intense focus on creating trust online has yielded such significant results that within just three years, Comodo has powered its way to the number two Certificate Authority position, controlling nearly one-third of all SSL certificates worldwide. Meanwhile, the company's award-winning, free firewall has become one of the most downloaded products in the world, protecting another PC every second of every day.
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