
5 Reasons Cybersecurity Training Is Essential

2021-03-18by Nicole Garrison

The talk of cybersecurity training is getting louder – and for a good reason. During the pandemic, 90% of companies have reported an increase in cyber attracts.

As technology overpowers the world of business and cyber-attacks become more frequent, the security of digital data becomes a prevailing topic.

Creating stronger security practices starts with security training. Raising awareness about cybersecurity in each one of the employees is the foundation of prevention.

In case your company or organization is still dwelling on the subject of cybersecurity training, the following reasons will explain its necessity.


1. Make the Least Expensive Investment in Cybersecurity

What is more expensive: dealing with the damages of a cyber-attack or cybersecurity training? There is probably no need for an answer.

Any disapproving thought of the expenses of security training should be stomped by the fact that the average cost of a data breach is 3.92 million dollars.

By strengthening the first line of defense (the employees), the companies can lower the chances of potentially irreparable consequences of cyberattacks. Even a recent Lucy Security study found that 96% of participants agreed that raising the awareness over cybersecurity threats helped with overall improvements in their defenses against cybercrime.

Employee training is, therefore, the least expensive while at the same time an extremely effective method for reducing risks of cyberattacks.


2. Prevent Human Errors

The employees are the most desirable targets of attackers. In fact, 95% of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error. A simple email, an employee’s naïve click on that email, and the attackers are in – it’s all that it takes.

However, for phishing and other social engineering attacks to succeed, people need to fall for the bait. The cybersecurity training will teach employees how to recognize and avoid such risks.

Dorian Martin, an IT security engineer and contributor writer at cheap paper writing service shared that, “The employees must be aware the dangers of downloading an attachment or clicking on the link in a phishing email. They should know how to recognize such an email. The training can explain how to spot any warning sign and step away on time.”

Also, 56% of Americans don’t know what steps to take in case of a data breach. Cybersecurity training should include response training. That is, it will teach employees how to act and which actions to take if an attack happens.


3. Meet Compliance Requirements

In the battle with attackers, more industries are imposing strict security measures on businesses. Therefore, companies and organizations that need to comply with rules like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) Scheme can gain plenty with cybersecurity training.

Many employees underestimate the importance of understanding the company’s privacy regulations. In fact, MediaPro reported that 62% of their employees don’t know if their organization needs to be compliant with the California Consumer Privacy Act.

If the employees are properly informed of what actions are considered to be compliance violations and data breaches, they won't go in that direction. Being in compliance would be much easier if employees are aware of all the rules.


4. Strengthen the Company’s Reputation

Companies can look at cybersecurity training as a new way of building their reputation. They can be the company that invests in its security. They can also be the company that invests in its employees.

Both clients and job searchers will look at this as a plus. Clients will feel more confident in trusting their sensitive information to the competent employees’ hands. On the other hand, talented workers can be tempted by the company’s forward-thinking.


5. Encourage Attaining New Skills

The cybersecurity training will help the employees develop new skills and qualifications. Not only will this make employees feel more safe and confident, but it’ll also foster career growth.

Empowered and engaged employees will be more loyal to the company that provided them with skill-enhancing opportunities. Their newly earned skills will also eliminate the fear of making mistakes and help them do their job more freely.

Additionally, with cybersecurity training as an onboarding process, the company can attract ambitious workers who will be interested in improving their qualifications.

Just as learning new skills is beneficial for employees, it also has its advantages for employers. The companies can lift the pressure of finding skilled personnel as they can train promising employees and pave their way towards being cybersecurity professionals.


Final Thoughts

Cybersecurity training is one of the most effective tools against cyberattacks. Any company can easily become the main role in the story of a cyberattack if it doesn’t ensure its prevention.

The prevention can’t be conducted without raising awareness of cybersecurity threats. Cybersecurity training gives everyone a chance to lead a company powered by well-trained and knowledgeable employees.

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Nicole Garrison

Nicole Garrison is an experienced blogger and freelance writer. She has a passion for writing about digital marketing and teaching her readers how to improve their online presence. She currently works as a writer at best term paper writing service. She also loves photography and travel blogging.

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