Why Is Codeigniter Recommended Over Other PHP Frameworks?
CodeIgniter is a famous PHP framework that has become the first choice for many proficient web developers and programmers. In this article, we figure out why CodeIgniter is better than other popular PHP frameworks. We bring forward the information on how CodeIgniter benefits and simplifies the web programming and development tasks for programmers. Knowing these facts, you can better learn the scope and standard of this PHP framework.
Before we move ahead, first we elaborate what exactly CodeIgniter MVC framework is? This information will benefit all the beginners or new PHP developers.
CodeIgniter PHP Framework is an open-source web development PHP framework that supports MVC pattern. The main objective of this framework is to present a simple and efficient way to complete a web development project. It makes the web development job easier and faster.
Exploring Meaning Of MVC
MVC that stands for Model View Controller in which model represents the data structure, the view is used to display the user-interface parts and the controller works as the brain which handles requests and ties everything with one another.
After knowing the meaning of MVC, let’s move to next section that is to tell you reasons to choose CodeIgniter for your web development projects.
Faster Execution Time Completes Web Development Job Quickly
The most crucial and primary aspect that makes CodeIgniter the best PHP framework is its amazingly faster execution time. In this framework, PHP responds way faster than ever. No other PHP framework can match the execution speed of CodeIgniter. This is the biggest reason behind the increasing demand of this framework over other PHP frameworks among programmers and developers.
File Management
While installing this framework on your system, you will find a primary folder that would contain several application files. This folder also features many sub-folders that work as config, model, controller, view etc. Therefore, while implementing any web development project, you should only concentrate on the single folder and everything will be organized.
Great Security Functions
A high-end security is the most considerable concern for every web programmer. So, when you use CodeIgniter framework, you get several inbuilt features that you can use in your web development project. These features can be used for output and input filtering. It also accompanies a range of features for decryption and encryption that enables the programmer to send data in a fully secret installation.
Simple Configuration Of CodeIgniter PHP Framework
Another big reason to use CodeIgniter framework is its easy configuration. For this, you should only need to install this framework according to the configuration of your system. When you need to do programming on this framework, just start “config.php” and then, load the database, library, all arrays and save them immediately. There is no need to write the name of the database every time, but write once and use everywhere.
Less Coding Requirement & Speedier Development Possible With CodeIgniter
The CodeIgniter PHP framework is known as the speedier framework for web development. Here, you need to put less effort in writing codes that means time-saving on typing. Moreover, there is no need to run after any third party library every time for your new project as many libraries come as default with the installation of the framework.
Great Support From Community
CodeIgniter PHP framework is one of the most famous web development solutions that has a huge fan-following across the world. Therefore, you can easily get required community support whenever you have any query related to this framework from the web. Expert programmers love sharing their knowledge in web development communities and forums. So, join any of the popular community and get your issues resolved by discussing it with experts.
Cache Class Of CodeIgniter PHP Framework
It is seen that a number of clients prefer to create a cache class in web development projects. It is because, when you click on any option within the project, next time, you will get result right from the cache class. So, there won’t be a need for the complete execution of code again with every click.
Easy Handling Of Errors
Handling errors in the web development had always been a big concern for the programmers as it eats lots of time. But, CodeIgniter has made error handling an easy job. By writing a code of one line, you can get all errors appear on your screen. This way, you can easily spot the errors in the quickest way and can fix it right there.
Convenient Template Solutions
At present, a majority of web development projects are being developed on templates majorly. These templates provide a whole idea of the project design even from the beginning of development. So, using CodeIgniter, you only need to think about content to be added to the templates and get your web development easily done.
Stage By Stage Testing In Development Stage
In CodeIgniter, you can easily examine the functionality and performance of your web development project from the starting stage. You can do that because it allows seeing every phase and thus, you can easily test the same from the development phase.
CodeIgniter is marvellous in many ways. The features and functions it carries make the web development job a way easier than ever. As this PHP framework improves the performance of web programmers and developers, they love using it for their web development projects instead of other frameworks.

Kerin Miller is a Wordpress expert and a passionate blogger. She works for Stellen Infotech and delivers custom WordPress development services to clients across the globe. Kerin loves sharing insightful tips and tricks, covering WordPress design and development industry. You can follow her on Twitter.
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