
How To Rank Websites With CcTLDs Well

2015-05-26by Elizabeth

Do you have a website with ccTLD domain?

Are you struggling with how to help it rise in Google rankings, then read on to find out how you can do that?

The kind of domain your website possesses may influence its ranking in the Google PageRank. ccTLD domains are the indicators of the location of a website and are considered to be the best way of indicating to search engines and users, where it originates from. These domains are indicated by the use of the last two letters, which are representative of countries.These domains belong to the category of internet top level domains. ccTLD domains are especially important for businesses and organisations, which want to establish themselves at the international level for her.  Whether you are a professional or student, you need to choose a proper domain name and domain type to ensure that your website is effective.

Domain names based on this, serve as a great opportunity for businesses, at a time when the .com names have reduced and are available in scarce number; even if they are, they cost huge sums of money. Currently the German and Chinese domain names rank the highest.

In fact, using ccTLD’s is an important part of effective SEO. Big and established companies use different websites for their locations, with specific ccTLDs while others do not use specific ccTLDs but change the language of the text according to the location. Regardless of how the SEO is done, it has to be in accordance with Google’s rules and specifications and must not be seen to be flouting it. It is already known that Google gives higher ranking to TLDs as compared to multi regional websites from the same country in the search engine results.

This means that when doing searches from a particular country, Google will show up results from sites which are based in that country as compared to other countrues. This becomes an issue for marketers in other countries, who want to have their website ranked high on the Google rankings but using the global domain (generic top level domains) becomes a disadvantage. The advantages of using the ccTLDs for SEO are as follows: increasing branding opportunities in the country, increases the organic traffic and conversions and value, increases ranking, and geo targeting, amongst other things.

To ensure that your website with ccTLD gets ranked well, do try out the following:

1. Understand the nature of the market well and the kind of target audience you want to reach. Identify the country to base your business in.

2. Plan your keywords strategy and understand the kind of keywords which may be useful for your site. Keyword research may have to be carried out keeping in mind the contexts of the countries, you are taregtting.

3. registration of the ccTLD.

4. designing and constructing the site keeping all this  in mind.

6. avoid duplication of content. Ensure that even if the same content has to be used for different countries, tailor the language and the content according to the context; this will help reduce the lowering of ranking which may occur otherwise. Style, nuances such as spellings, expressions-can all be factored in as well as understanding the searching strategies in the country.

5. Keyword-rich content in mind: Keywords to be tailored taking context, demand into consideration.

So to short circuit these difficulties of operation of websites, companies need to resort to strategies like buying ccTLDs. While these advantages are there in the use of ccTLDs, the situation becomes tricky when you purchase a website domain with the ccTLD domain of one country but the actual business is carried out in another. This raises questions of how can such websites remain atop the Google ranking pages,  given the fact that Google is using geo-targetting of websites, without the issue of Google finding out that the fact that the site is being used for an intent other than the stated one. Hence, site owners have to ensure that the  purchase of the site is related to products and services they want to market within that country.

Some SEO tools which can be used to help boost your ccTLD domains!

A country code top level domain will give that extra boost to your website, which is not given when you use sub domains or subdirectory. You can use Google webmaster tools for your SEO in countries and follow the requirements for ranking in countries where Google is the top search engine and where you want to focus. In those countries where other search engines are preferred such as China (Baidu) or Yahoo (Japan) you may have to follow the SEO ranking factors and practices applicable there.

There are free SEO tools which can be made use of to optimise your SEO efforts e.g. ols.seobook.com

So, choose your domain name carefully and build an authoritative and reliable website around it, so that you can reach those high spots in Google search.

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Elizabeth is a part-time blogger and academic counselor at http://www.aussieessays.com/write-my-essay/ who guide students in their academic curricular. She has diverse experience and unique perspective to help students and ideas to flourish.  She enjoys reading, writing and traveling.

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