Six Tips For Using The Digital Security As A Marketing Tool
With the increasing use of the internet for shopping, financial transactions, access to restricted documents and exchanges of confidential information, also raised concern and end-user demand for the safety of these environments. Thus, offer a secure site ceased to be just an obligation of the IT or information security, but also marketing, which needs to boost the number of visitors, keep them online and faithful.
More than five years accompany the digital security segment and I realized that this information are still poorly shared with the marketing department. So the idea of this article is to present tips for using the security to bring relevant results, for both financial and business management.
Security Seal
70% of e-consumers only finalize the purchase from a site if it shows a security seal. Digital certificate solutions, vulnerability scanning, blocking attacks, among others, usually offer the famous seal. Unfortunately, there are many websites that only apply the stamp image to meet this customer need, including many shops do not understand what is an illegal act. The e-consumers already know how to recognize a valid seal then it is very important to seek a trust company, applying a unique stamp, investigate through A / B tests on the best location to place it - usually close to the areas of login and / or purchase. In the concluding pages is another tip: prefer stamps with daily dating, since they indicate that the site is being validated daily. Some studies indicate that the percentage increase in sales with the display of a security seal can range from 12% to 15%.
Google Positioning
Google said on its official blog for webmastes that from August 6, 2014 would benefit the sites that they use encrypted data on your search ranking. This is part of encouraging more secure Internet strategy that Google has advocated for several years and was finally started. Yet, it is not possible to measure how much you can optimize the placement with the implementation of certificates in any way with the High competition among developers to occupy the best places in this important showcase, the trend is a significant increase in the number of secure site, ie, adopting the HTTPS, and therefore more competition and gain relevance in more prepared.
Speaking of HTTPS
In addition to ensuring better results in Google search engine, operate in HTTPS protocol is a mandatory measure for online shops. It works like this: using a digital certificate, there is a conversion of the protocol HTTP to HTTPS , secure environment symbol and reports that data trafficked in that environment is being encrypted. Digital certificates also have a lock on the site browser and highly recognized by consumers as safe-site indicator.
Green Browser Bar
In addition to all the benefits of HTTPS, the digital certificate Extended Validation (EV) has a higher level of security and validation and allows the site to the browser turns green, which also refers more security for users. The highest level of validation the EVSSL certificate became the most sought by companies who really want to provide security as a differential. The EV is widely used by banks, mainly in internet banking.
Bots Lock and Analytics
Bots account for 61% of everything that travels over the Internet. This means that to access your visits flow management tool, the data presented may not correspond to reality. WAF (Web Application Firewall) solutions optimize Google Analytics results since block all non-human type of access to the online store and so you can manage precise numbers of visits and access to the cart for better decision making.
Exclusive Page for Information Security
Have a unique page to tell which information security measures have been implemented by the site can be a good advantage. The objective is to present the responsibility and concern for the data visitors. In this page, in addition to security policies can be summarized all the methods adopted by the company to ensure safe navigation for customers. A good position for the term is primarily on pages where a higher output stream is perceived. It's a good A/B test and to understand whether the abandonment actually occurs due to lack of security awareness.

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