
Dedicated Servers Hosting And Their Advantages


This web hosting service makes you the proud owner of the entire server along with all the resources. Normally web hosting companies offers several dedicated server packages along with customized plans. Choosing your dedicated server with sufficient bandwidth and memory as per your Business needs and future expansion plans will lead to best performance of your website with high security and reliability.

Is there any need of Dedicated Server?

Off course there is a need but Dedicated Servers are expensive compared to VPS hosting or shared hosting, make sure it is worth buying. If there is expectation of huge traffic that can make existing shared or VPS hosting difficult to handle, switching to dedicated server will make sense.

Now let's talk about the numerous advantages that come with a dedicated server.

24/7 Technical Support

Technical support team are professionally trained to help you 24/7. Any kind of Problems or query regarding to dedicated web servers (or any other web hosting service), they are able to resolve quickly and advice accordingly to troubleshoot issue to make sure your website is up and running.

Control and flexibility

While having shared web hosting package, web hosting company does not give you more control to the server, including administrative access (obviously). This limits what you can do more with your website. But with Dedicated web server, you are King, administrative access is all yours. You can experiment as much as you can, for the better performance of your website(s) with developers and engineers.

Custom Configuration

Web hosting companies allows you to do Custom Configurations for your newly bought dedicated web server as they understand the value of your Business and high cost involved. All website owners needs web server for their specific use and hence it will be easier to install special programs and perform custom program configurations. Also this allows you monitor your usage of server resources and identify/correct potential issues before they have the opportunity to affect your website.

Secured Web Server

Dedicated Web server is 'Dedicatedly' belongs to you. No other person has access to the server, No sharing of resources, all resources will be dedicated for your website. This makes your server totally safe and secured from any outsider.

Better Performance with Dedicated Server Reliability

Dedicated Server makes your website highly reliable by allocating all resources of the server to your site, not like Shared Web Hosting, where there are conflicts for the resources among the other websites. No possibility of your website for getting slow down or crashed or swamped with traffic every day, whether your website is high-resolution photos and videos Streaming website or huge e-commerce website. In time of traffic bombardment, VPS hosting plans get failed sometimes so question is how you will stay online all the time. Dedicated Hosting is your ultimate solution.

Also you have administrative access of the dedicated server with all the control of the server resources in your own hands. This ensures your website will be Uptime 24/7.

Safe Storage

The hosting company have their Datacentres with Power backup, Proper Cooling and Humidity control, Highly Secured, and other environmental conditions without affecting any server's performance and to make sure your website is up all time.

Upgradable Dedicated Server

Getting more traffic with your existing Dedicated Hosting? You need to upgrade? Off course it can be done. Add more memory, disk space or extra processors as per your need.

Your own Dedicated IP address

In Shared Web Hosting, same IP address is shared with the other peoples and the website traffic will be flowed as per 'host headers'. With dedicated Server, there will be own unique IP address. In case you need more IP address, pay some bucks to your web hosting company.

Custom Firewall

Manage your own Custom firewall to enforce your security boundary and use of filtering options available. Create your own control access policy for your Dedicated Server.


A Service Level Agreement. Read more about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service-level_agreement

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