
Can Airlines Fly Off With Cloud Computing?

2013-10-16by Amy Morin

Cloud computing is gaining popularity among large industries.

The airline industry, in particular, has been showing a lot of interest in the ways that cloud computing can improve their business.


Improved Security

One major advantage to cloud computing for airline industries is the high level of security it offers.

Most airlines currently have thousands of flight attendants and pilots traveling all over the globe with laptops and mobile devices that can be hacked or stolen.

Cloud computing prevents thieves from stealing data in the event that a laptop or mobile device are stolen. Cloud computing offers several added layers of security which is important to today's airline industry.


Reduced Costs


Another positive for those in the airline business is Cloud computing can save airlines money.

It eliminates the need for airlines to pay for expensive servers. Instead, they can purchase as much or as little space as they need on the cloud.

It also reduces software needs.

Airlines won't need to purchase and install software on all of its employee laptops or mobile devices. Instead, employees will have access to all of the software from anywhere they can gain an internet connection.

Cloud computing also saves on IT costs.

Airlines won't need to hire nearly as money employees to manage their computer systems when they use the cloud. Less software and hardware means that airlines can use the IT services with the cloud to keep their companies up and running.


Easy Employee Access

Employees can easily access alerts and company information from the cloud. Instead of having to receive emails, memos and updates can be posted to the cloud for everyone to see.

Employees can also access the cloud from anywhere in the world where they may be flying. They can access the cloud from their smartphones, laptops, and tablets.

If their electronic device fails or has a malfunction, they can still easily access the cloud from any other device. There is no need to ensure their personal devices will be able to access an internet connection all over the globe.

With employees spread out across many time zones, the cloud can offer real-time updates and information. Employees can work on documents simultaneously without having to attach a document, email it, and wait for a reply.


Information Sharing with Other Agencies

One of the biggest advantages of the cloud for airlines may be the ease at which agencies can communicate with one another. A cloud could be created to allow airlines to share information with one another.

Also, information about weather and airport conditions could be shared. With so many regional and discount airlines emerging on the market, it could be very helpful for all airlines to take part in information sharing.

Information sharing could also be a safety issue on the cloud.

Airlines could easily communicate with customs, border patrol, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Transportation Security Administration. Flight information, emergency information, and security updates could easily be communicated via the cloud.

At the end of the day, Cloud computing certainly offers many advantages to airlines.

It's likely that airlines will be adopting cloud computing in the near future to make business run more smoothly.

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Amy Morin

Amy Morin writes about parenting, psychology, and business related topics such as online reputation management services.

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