Steve Nellon

Steve Nellon

If you want to leverage the power of cloud computing using Microsoft's WindowsAzure platform and want to Hire Windows Azure developers for some development help, do get in touch with Mindfire today - call +1 248-686-1424 or email sales at mindfiresolutions dot com.

Posts by Steve Nellon

Windows Azure Enables Faster Cloud Computing
by Steve Nellon - 2013-02-06 03:42:19 in Cloud Computing

Windows Azure is Microsoft's cloud computing platform. With Widows Azure, you can quickly build, deploy, and manage applications on the cloud. This Azure cloud environment consists of a global network of Microsoft-managed data centers. Azure is open, flexible, and highly robust - and especially suited for modern B2C/B2B applications requiring high availability and performance. It frees you from up-front infrastructure costs and worries associated with scale, failover, deployment, etc. It helps you focus on your core application functionality and improves overall business efficiency.
