James Helliwell

James Helliwell

well known author covering web hosting and domain insdustry

Posts by James Helliwell

Must Have Features For A Belting Business Web Host In 2018
by James Helliwell - 2018-03-20 04:28:18 in General Information

Choosing a web host is delicate for any web owner. It is even more so for businesses as success or failure could be determined by the web host. With this in mind, here are must have features for a business web host in 2018.


Data Centre For Businesses - The Why And How
by James Helliwell - 2017-05-12 01:36:43 in General Information

At a time when critical business processes rely on data, data centres have become pivotal for the business structure for many brands around the globe.


Why Cloud Computing Is Crucial For Your Business Success
by James Helliwell - 2017-03-31 00:56:29 in Cloud Computing

The excitement that surrounds cloud hosting can be overwhelming. But there is a good reason for it.

Technological advancement means that we are moving away from the traditional web hosting protocols. Hosting companies are revamping their architecture and moving along with the tides of innovation.


5 Things You Should Look Out For Before Back-Ordering A Domain Name
by James Helliwell - 2017-03-08 05:51:02 in General Information

Every day, thousands of domain names expire. But you can grab them before someone else does upon their expiration. It’s almost as exciting as grabbing a jack rabbit the moment it leaps out of its hole. This process is known as backordering.


The Current State Of DDoS Attacks And How To Safeguard Your Website
by James Helliwell - 2017-02-10 02:09:24 in Technical Support

The current hacker attacks around the world over the last year revealed to the world the dangerous potentials of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. That revelation begs the question: is the world truly ready to embrace the internet of things (IoT)? Apparently, we are not.


Web Hosting Reviews: Top Qualities To Watch Out For In 2016
by James Helliwell - 2016-04-28 01:53:25 in Choose your Host

When it is time to choose a web host, the common method of approach is to first and foremost, read what other people think about the provider by scouring the web for reviews. This piece takes a look at the vital points you should focus on when reading these reviews.
