Heather Legg

Heather Legg

Heather Legg is a freelance writer who covers topics relating to small business and Gary Crittenden.

Posts by Heather Legg

Manage Your Company's Apps And Data Tools Successfully
by Heather Legg - 2015-09-11 08:05:24 in General Information

Companies, especially business operations, have lots of data floating around. With so many apps and business data storage options, how data is kept can be inconsistent even within a company. That can cause issues because, in a basic sense, you won't always know where your data is.


Build A Career On The Web
by Heather Legg - 2014-09-02 04:16:13 in General Information

Technology is the place to be. Earning a degree in one of the technology fields sets you off on a great career path, and these days, you can even earn that degree online. Not only can you get your degree online, you can even build your career on the web.


Log-In To The Best Office Computer Buys
by Heather Legg - 2013-06-03 02:34:19 in Cloud Computing

Small business owners wear many hats. They have to take on the role of HR, as manager, CEO, and yes, supply and equipment purchaser. When it comes time to buy big office equipment, like computers, it matters what you decide on. It matters a lot.
