Colm Stafford

Colm Stafford

Colm Stafford is the director of an I.T. Solutions company (https://ers.ie/it-managed-services.html) in Ireland called ERS Technology Solutions Ltd. I am passionate about all areas of I.T. and how it can deliver productivity and value to business owners.

Posts by Colm Stafford

Get Secure - Personal Internet Security Infographic
by Colm Stafford - 2015-08-21 03:04:59 in General Information

The Internet is ubiquitous in our lives today. The majority of people carry a smartphone, own a tablet or use a laptop. There have been developments in terms of our working environments with Bring-Your-Own-Devices (BYOD) and WIFI access, and we are hearing more and more about the Internet of Things (IoT).


Overview Of Cyber Crime
by Colm Stafford - 2015-05-27 03:45:58 in General Information

In recent times, we have witnessed an increase in the instance and in the news reporting of cyber attacks. Cyber attacks can hit almost all spectrums of society. We have seen cyber attacks infiltrating the financial industry, which can lead to not only chaos but uncertainty, worry and inconvenience for all involved. We have seen high profile data breaches in the entertainment industry (Sony) which even affected a major motion picture release.
