Asher ross

Asher ross
www.eukhost.com at eUkhost LTD
Asher ross is an expert technical writer from UK web hosting company eUkhost LTD. eUkhost has completed 11 successful years in Web hosting industry and specialized in deploying Cloud hosting solutions, Dedicated hosting and many more with free tech support and complete web hosting satisfaction.
Posts by Asher ross

9 Do Follow Principals To Search A Good Web Hosting Company
by Asher ross - 2014-09-01 04:39:12 in Basics

A secure web hosting is the most important thing nowadays because it is really hard to lose all data what if a server is being hacked by malicious activities or intruders attack. To Run a successful website, blog or business one must spend some time to find a web hosting provider. From the different measures of web hosting service providers, and people may get confused and select an un-reliable service providers because of fake promotions. A reliable web host should take care of your all data and should take responsibility for keeping your website online 24x7x365 days.


Understanding Of Cloud Computing Services: The Meaning Of SaaS, PaaS And IaaS
by Asher ross - 2013-12-05 03:50:45 in Cloud Computing

When it comes to developing applications in the cloud we have to note that we will do so, as in the concept cloud there are different ways to do that we allow greater flexibility and simplicity when deploying our applications or maintain them. Among the different forms it can take the cloud servers which include: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Plataform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) .
