
Is Your Website Getting All The Assistance It Needs?

2015-07-27by Adam Groff

If website growth is a goal of your business, then SMS can help in a number of ways.

Not only can SMS get the ball rolling with customer email collection, it can also improve customer outreach like never before.

With online assistance in mind, here are just a few benefits of SMS and how it can help with the growth of your website:


SMS on the Rise

If your business truly wants to direct more traffic to its website, then SMS is the answer.

That's right, short message services are a convenient way to reach your mobile customers and convert them into email subscribers for your website.

According to a recent report by Responsys, two-thirds of people who subscribed to a SMS campaign followed through with a purchase or a service.

Likewise, nearly 70% of consumers who sign-up for SMS campaigns indicate the messages they receive are relevant and valuable.

When your company chooses SMS marketing, it could result in consumers finding your website and email subscription messages valuable as well.


Match Made in Multi-Channel Heaven

As the following article looks at, are you wondering how SMS marketing helps you capture email addresses and direct consumers to your site? If so, then you need to think of SMS and email subscriptions as a match made in multi-channel marketing heaven.

Sending email subscription reminders via SMS to potential customers not only increases the relevance of your business to mobile consumers, it also makes those same consumers aware of your business's website.

In addition, most mobile users have access to their email on their smartphones.

As a result, when you send an email subscription notification via SMS, consumers can instantly opt-in from the same device.


On-the-Go Outreach

As mentioned before, using SMS to promote your business's website and capture email addresses makes the opt-in process much easier. Instant opt-ins and anywhere campaigns give your business on-the-go outreach that will help you reach more consumers than ever before.

SMS marketing means your consumer base no longer has to take time out of their day to sit down at their computers, open your website, and subscribe to your email list. The right SMS text with a simple short code will achieve all of this on a mobile level.


Easy Email Integration

By now you're probably wondering how you can transfer SMS responses into your business's email subscription list.

Well, most SMS services allow your business to automatically transfer any emails collected directly into your email subscription list based on SMS keywords. This is the easiest way to integrate emails using a multi-channel marketing platform.


Website Visibility

Whether you're encouraging potential customers to add their emails to you subscription list or you're offering deals and promotions, SMS can significantly increase the visibility of your business website.

By adopting a mobile marketing and email subscription mindset, you are exposing your business and its website to an entirely new consumer base.

Not to mention mobile users are quickly becoming the new target consumer due to the non-stop growth of all-things mobile.


If your business website needs a little outreach assistance, keep in mind SMS texts and email subscriptions.

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Adam Groff

Adam Groff is a freelance writer and creator of content. He writes on a variety of topics including health and technology.

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