
Cloud Communications Continue To Rise

2015-06-04by Adam Groff

With cloud communications continuing to gain popularity, there are more opportunities than ever before for your business to take advantage of the market.

Whether it’s advanced collaboration tools or data management services, there are some exciting new trends for cloud communications.

Here's what's trending with the cloud and how your business can take advantage of the open market:


Increased Telecommuting

As a result of the cloud, many businesses are setting their sights on telecommuting.

With its anywhere access, the cloud makes it easier for employees to work from just about any location. This gives your business the opportunity to hire talent regardless of where they are located.


The cloud not only offers anywhere data access, it also provides videoconferencing and VoIP phone services.

Both of these features reduce the cost of communications while improving communication platforms. Because of this, businesses all across the world are hiring employees remotely.

In other words, cloud communications gives businesses just like yours access to more talent.


Cloud Service Management

The cloud is improving every day and companies that truly want to stay ahead of the curve will need managed cloud services.

As the following article looks at, “An open market for cloud communications” means your business will need its cloud and Internet activities monitored and maintained.

Instead of simply hosting data, more and more cloud service providers are actually fully managing their clients' cloud communications.

As the cloud becomes more of a necessity for the business world, a growing number of cloud providers will follow the full service trend.


More Cloud Competition

Whether you're still trying to find the right cloud provider or you're ready to change services, there's not much competition to choose from.

In fact, cloud hosts like Amazon, Azure, and Google have pretty much cornered the market. This results in higher communications costs for your business.

Fortunately, a growing trend in cloud communications is the emergence of independent developers on the market.

These fresh-to-the-market developers are offering cloud communications services at a fraction of the cost. However, these low-cost providers don't offer all the bells and whistles that established providers do.


Increased Compatibility

As mentioned before, businesses are heavily leaning toward outsourcing their employees.

If your business wants to allow staffers to telecommute or you want to start hiring remotely, your computing and communications have to be compatible.

That's where the "bring your own device" trend comes into play.

It doesn't matter if your employees are working from home on their smartphone or halfway across the world on their personal laptop, cloud developers are designing all of their apps to work on any type of device.

This kind of compatibility truly allows businesses to take advantage of the anywhere accessibility of the cloud.


Small Business Globalization

All of the trends mentioned above lead to one thing: the globalization of small businesses.

When small businesses have the same communication abilities as larger corporations, it levels the playing field. This is great news for the global economy.

Whether your business is small, medium, or on its way to large; the cloud trends above will help take your communications to an entirely new level.

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Adam Groff

Adam Groff is a freelance writer and creator of content. He writes on a variety of topics including health and technology.

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