
The Ten Commandments Of Cyber Security

2015-02-19by Jody Ma Kissling

Today the need for effective cyber security simply cannot be ignored by business of all sizes. Yet, as technology becomes increasingly complex, even IT staffers can feel overwhelmed about security issues. The key to putting an effective data security plan in place is to start small and follow 10 basic principles:

1. Outline your official security strategy

Every size business needs a plan. It should be comprehensive, yet concise enough to be understood by all employees responsible for maintaining (or compromising) your cyber security efforts.

2. Separate real data breaches from fake ones
Negative publicity from a data breach or leak can be as damaging as the attack itself – even if it never actually happened. An embarrassing number of companies have failed to verify ‘news’ of hackings by attention seekers because their system was too sophisticated, which can further complicate damage control efforts.

3. Utilize basic protection tools
To defend against major security attacks, one cannot be distracted by petty threats. Build a dependable foundation using antivirus software protection, firewalls and anti-spam tools, before defending against more serious threats.

4. Keep your software up-to-date
Hackers are constantly evolving, so a company’s line of defense must too. Always implement security patches and updates offered for important software, such as your operating system, on a timely basis.

5. Only permit administrative data access on an “as-needed” basis
Limiting the scope of administrative access will greatly mitigate security risks. In the event something does go wrong, there will be a shorter trail to follow, and this practice may prevent unnecessary exposure in the first place.

6. Separate IT duties from security threats
In the term cyber security, focus less on “cyber” and more on “security.” The IT department may be too occupied with other duties to properly address security issues, which should be handled by their team.

7. Make sure to educate all users
Some employees are excluded from security training if they are considered less vulnerable to threats. This is unacceptable in today’s connected workplace – all users must be kept up to speed.

8. Limit and monitor physical access to data
The virtual aspect of cyber security often distracts security teams. However, access to physical assets, servers, PCs, laptops, etc., grants far greater power to intruders and must be carefully monitored.

9. You get what you pay for
If making budget cuts, look elsewhere – or prepare for the worst. With entire databases computerized, the quality of cyber security can determine the wellbeing of your entire business.

10. Continuously update your security measures
Cyber security is often mistakenly seen as a one-time project and then left on its own. To provide maximum protection, security protocols must be constantly maintained like any other aspect of the company.

Effective data security is crucial to any business plan. . As business’ dependence upon computers increases, good cyber security practices are essential to keeping the business safe. These steps will help lay a solid foundation that requires on-going monitoring and evolution.

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Jody Ma Kissling


Bringing 13 years of experience in marketing security and emerging technologies, Jody Ma Kissling is responsible for executing Lancope’s global marketing and communications strategy. Prior to Lancope, Jody held communications positions with leading IT organizations, including Technology Builders Inc. (now Borland), SecureWorks and Support Technologies.

A prominent member of Georgia’s technology and business community, she served on the Board of Directors for Women in Technology. Jody earned an MBA in Marketing from Georgia State University and graduated cum laude from Wake Forest University

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