
Making The Connection Between Cloud Computing And Search Engine Optimization

2012-10-02by Andrew Branson

Cloud computing has been one of the buzzwords in the information technology sphere. Instead of storing and managing data in bulky servers, cloud computing allows businesses to do this using remote servers that can be securely accessed anytime and anywhere as long as Internet access is present. This has enabled many businesses to save on operational costs, technology infrastructure expenses and is proving to be a key element in disaster data recovery and business continuity.

What about SEO services and cloud? What’s the connection between these two? Remember, web properties are also stored and managed in remote servers so posting the question on the correlation between search engine optimization and cloud is a valid question.

An Essential Factor in Geo Targeting

Every expert internet marketing agency should know that the location of the server where a site is hosted together with the TLP or Top Level Domain is the primary basis of search engines to determine the location of the site which is an essential element when targeting a market in specific vicinities. Further, search sites bots use the IP address where a site is hosted to pinpoint where it is situated.

That being said, geo-targeted SEO services should definitely take note of the location of the cloud servers to become effective.

When a Website Competes Against Itself

Files for the same site being stored in different locations is common, either for back up or just by the sheer size of the web property, especially when it comes to enterprise sites.Unfortunately, search engine bots are not smart enough to determine that while the files are returning different IP addresses, they are actually owned by just one organization. This becomes the concern of an Internet marketing agency when these servers compete for rankings, so essentially, your website or websites are cannibalizing themselves.

Hosting companies with dispersed servers all around the world classify their servers by varied organizations instead of grouping them by country so this problem can be averted.

Cloud and Google Caffeine: It’s All about Speed

The Google Penguin and Panda updates had the entire SEO world talking about good content and quality link building. Not many people know but there was another update that was released in 2010 which is Google Caffeine.

What does coffee do to a human? It sends him or her into hyper drive because of its stimulant property. It’s the same with Google Caffeine. The search engine giant puts a lot of weight on the load time of a site in terms of rankings. Since it’s more advanced and is hosted in the cloud instead of a physical server located in an office, sites which utilize cloud computing commonly rank higher compared those which are not.

If your site is already hosted in a cloud server good for you, just make sure that you consult with an expert internet marketing agency so that the concerns above are addressed. If not, why not try and send your site to the cloud and discover how you can improve your rankings in search engines as well as bring down your operational expense.

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Andrew Branson

Andrew Branson is working as an SEO New York in an Internet Marketing Company. He likes to write informative articles on various topics related to Internet Marketing like mobile SEO. Through this article, he wants to share the latest trends popular in a social media agency. View Andrew Branson`s profile for more

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